Education for Knowledge and Inspiration
Since we started in Sweden in 2003, we have had more than 3000 students on our courses – and our method of distance learning has become a concept. We have seen our students return, year after year, to broaden their knowledge and find even more inspiration.
Our business idea is to offer great courses in horticulture and garden design and are suitable for those who would like to pursue a professional career in these fields, as well as those who want to learn more for their own enjoyment and application. Now that a decade has passed we want to spread our knowledge and visions of Swedish garden design outside the country’s borders and are therefore offering a course in Swedish Garden Design in English.
The student sets the starting date, pace, time and place of when he or she wishes to study. As this is an open learning course, high flexibility is offered for each student’s benefit.
The Swedish Academy of Garden Design is authorised as an education provider by Sveriges Auktoriserade Utbildningsforetag, SAUF (Swedish Authorised Education Providers). Tragardsakademin AB (The Swedish Academy of Garden Design) is certified as an educational provider by TCYK, Trädgårdsnäringens Centrala Yrkeskommitté (the Central Committee of Gardening Professionals).
You can read more about distance and open learning here »
Anette Åkerström,
Principal and Master of Science in Horticulture.

I founded Trädgårdsakademin AB in November 2003. I realised there was a need for distance courses in gardening while I was working on courses at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Alnarp. The key words in my work on courses in garden design are knowledge and inspiration – to the benefit of all of us who like to have pleasant greenery in our lives. Every day I see that there is great interest in gardening and a hunger for knowledge about how plants function and can be used.